Turkey Spaghetti with CarbaNada pasta

So last night we wanted spaghetti, but healthier, right? Yes. So, we decided to give CarbaNada Basil pasta a try. YUM! I purchased egg and basil both from http://www.netrition.com

carbanada pasta (egg and basil)

Now for the recipe:

2 lbs 97% lean turkey


1 1/2 cups Basil CarbaNada pasta

1/2 jar spag sauce of choice (We used Ragu)


Cook turkey in a bit of evoo until done through, drain.

Cook pasta in hot boiling salted water until just tender.

Drain pasta.

Mix pasta and turkey.

Add sauce.

Top with cheese, parsley, etc. if you like. Net carbs are about 10 per serving with the sauce we used. If you can make your own low carb sauce, great, I didn’t have time.

Turkey spaghetti with basil carbanada pasta

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